Wednesday 22 February 2012

ReelFilm's Most Anticipated Films of 2012: Part 2 (Updated)

On The Road
Sal (Riley, left) and Dean (Hedlund, right) on the road.
 On the Road by Jack Kerouac has been almost on the silver screen since just after its publication in the 50s, originally with Marlon Brando playing one of the leads, but sadly each time it began its casting stage the production fell apart, almost every leading man in Hollywood has been slated for a role in the movie adaption, but director Walter Salles (2004's Motorcycle Diaries) has elected for a more unknown cast, with Sam Riley (Control, Brighton Rock) in the role of Sal Paradise. Garrett Hedlund (TRON:Legacy) as Dean Moriarty, the role Kerouac wanted Brando to play. Lord of the Rings star Viggo Mortenesen playing Old Bull Lee (a fictionalized version of writer William S Burroughs) and Twilight heroine Kirsten Stewart as Mary Lou.

The film tells the semi-autobiographical story of  Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty and their search for the elsive 'IT', the meaning and beauty in america, so obviously this involves road trips, girls, jazz, drugs, bordellos, parties and freedom.

The novel is seen to be the seminal piece of writing to come out of the 50s 'Beat Generation', who where the vanguard of 60s counterculture, the book is loved by million and Salles has a hard job of doing this piece of work justice of the big screen.

Release: U.K: Late 2012 Germany: October 4th 2012

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