Thursday 8 March 2012

Dark Knight Rises vs. The Avengers: Part 1 TDKR

This summer see's the release of the two momentous superhero movies. The Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight, Inception) directed The Dark Knight Rise's and the Joss Whedon (creator of Firefly and Serenity) headed The Avengers (daftly renamed Avengers Assemble for the U.K).
Both these films have a certain about of hype surrounding them, one for being the climatic film in Nolan's rebooted Batman Trilogy, and the other for being the first ensemble superhero film in history, the sequel to not one but four Marvel movies (The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Iron Man 2 and Captain America.)

Dark Knight Rises takes place eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, with Batman (Christian Bale Dark Knight, The Fighter) taking the blame for Harvey Dents crimes, the Caped Crusader is an outlaw, however since the events of the past film Gotham has seen years of peace, until terrorist Bane (Tom Hardy, Warrior, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy) lays the city under siege.Then Batman must become the hero Gotham needs.

With Gary OldmanMicheal Caine and Morgan Freeman returning as Commissionaire Gordon, Alfred and Lucius Fox, and newcomers Anne Hathaway as the mysterious Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, Joesph Gordon-Levitt as Gotham cop John Blake, Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate a Wayne Enterprises board member and Juno Temple as 'Street smart Gotham girl'. With a cast this strong its safe to say that Nolan's film can easily hold its own against The Avengers.

Having saved Batman from the campness of past movie incarnations Christopher Nolan has taken the approach of grounding his trilogy in the real world. No big green men and Nordic gods here, something which is difficult for superhero films, but something Nolan has captured perfectly, after two trips to his vision Gotham city already and the awe inspiring Inception audiences know they are in good hands.

However one miss giving people seem to be having is; Will Tom Hardy's performance live up to the seminal performance the late Heath Ledger gave as the psychotic Joker. These people obviously haven't seen him in Bronson, where he gives a terrifyingly portrayal of Britians most famous prison inmate. For that role alone he can be seen as the perfect actor for Bane, both physically on screen and emotionally.

The Dark Knight Rises it seems may be this summers more adult superhero film, compared to the flashy colours and slightly cheesy one liners seen in the Avengers trailer, and one that no one should miss.

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